Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Faith-Friendly in the Workplace

Here is a great article my friend Brett at Majority in MS sent me. It's about Chick-fil-A's Christian business values. I can attest to the fact that Chick-fil-A is a great company that put Christ before profits. My first Job after college was working for Chick-fil-A's home office staff in Atlanta.

Faith-Friendly in the Workplace
By Heather Sells
CBN News
July 31, 2007

CBNNews.com -- Faith in the workplace. It used to mean employees praying quietly to themselves or simply displaying a framed verse on their desk.

But more and more secular companies are seeing the benefits of faith, and offering outlets in the regular work day.

Chick-Fil-A sells billions of dollars in chicken sandwiches and fries every year.

But executives say the company's purpose isn't really selling chicken -- instead it's to glorify God.

"One of the things that I feel confident about is that my work life is an expression of the higher values of my life," Tim Tassopolous said.

For them, corporate activities like prayer are not unusual.

And they still insist that all stores stay closed on Sundays.

Companies like Chick-Fil-A see the benefits of faith in the workplace.

"Possibly companies need to wake up to the fact that they need to spend the effort and money to help maintain a stability and quality of people who are performing well," Cathy said

And now, some mainstream companies are taking notice.

For instance, Tyson, American Airlines and Intel all offer some type of faith-based program for employees.

And Youth With A Mission's business outreach director says the number of the workplace ministries has risen from 25 to more than 900 in the last 10 years.

Some say the upsurge in religious interest is just a sign of the times.

After 9-11, faith moved into the forefront for many people.

And politicians aren't afraid to voice their commitment to faith.

One agency called Marketplace Chaplains has also seen a big surge in interest -- employing almost 2,000 people in 36 states.

The non-profit believes a chaplain can offer help and encouragement to struggling employees.

"If a person can't conduct their personal life, you can't expect them to be a high performer in his business," Cathy said.

Companies find that faith-based programs decrease employee turnover, increase productivity, reduce employee stress, and improve workplace safety.

"If I was a business leader I'd have to say -- 'This is an investment in people,'" Ty said.

While some companies might hesitate at taking time out for spiritual matters, in the end improving morale is not just good for the employee, it's good for business


Friday, July 27, 2007

Neshoba county fair - My Visit

Yesterday, Thursday, July 26Th, I spent the better part of the morning listening to candidates give their speeches in the normal traditions of the Neshoba county fair. While I didn't get a chance to hear everyone, I did hear Mike Lott claim his Christian faith. Also, Delbert Hoseman freely proclaimed his.

However, the winner in my opinion was John Arthur Eaves. Every sentence was laced with Biblical principles and/or scriptural references. (I almost "Amened" him a few times.) His message was so outstanding that a group of Barbour supporters tried--very rudely--to disrupt his speech. I briefly spoke with Eaves after his speech, and we had a great conversation about the Lord. He truly is a wonderful Christian man with a burning desire to help Mississippians.

In Barbour’s speech, he spent the first part attacking Eaves' wife, Angel. Angel Eaves is smart, attractive, and nice. I guess the Governor's covetness nature was coming out. Asked to respond later, Angel Eaves told The Associated Press, "I can't and still be a lady." I thought that was a classy response to a classless remark. Barbour really came off as a "big jerk". Just like the "big Bully in 5th grade" that never grew up. Lastly, he talked about the only two things he always talks about: how great he is for the Katrina relief effort and how great he is for the Toyota plant that is supposed to come in 2010 or something.

Being a Christian and a father of four, you can't make me happy about legalized gambling getting a stronger foothold in Mississippi. I don't care about the economical benefits (which are debatable); I know God is not going to bless a state that promotes sin.

I'm glad I went today. As a Christian, I thought I was doing the right thing by voting for Barbour in the last election. Now that I am informed of his true nature, he is not getting my vote.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Great Gambling Giveaway

The Great Gambling Giveaway appeared in a recent issue of the Baptist Record. I think it is a must read to put reality back into this issue. Below is part of the story:

Wayne Pinkerton has never been inside the casinos that now dot the Mississippi Gulf Coast in every direction, but he can tell you the exact day each one reopened after Hurricane Katrina.“When the casinos were all closed down after Katrina, no one came to the church asking for money or any other benevolence because they had lost everything gambling - not one person,” said Pinkerton, former church administrator at First Church, Biloxi, and currently the procurement officer at the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board in Jackson.

Read the entire story here:
The Great Gambling Giveaway

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dean: Democrats Move Debate Forward on Shared Values

Here is a press release from the Democratic National Committee. I'm all for saving more babies.

Washington, DC - This week, Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to include the "Reducing the Need for Abortions Initiative" in the Fiscal Year 2008 Labor, Health and Human Services, and EducationAppropriations bill. Among the programs included in the $647 millionpackage are initiatives to promote appropriate contraceptive information and services, to increase access to health care for pregnant women and young children, to support child care assistance and domestic violence programs, and to provide funding for after-school programs.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the following statement:

"Yesterday, Democrats in Congress took concrete steps to support women and families and unite the country around our shared values of reducing the number of abortions. The programs supported with this initiative are directly relevant to the needs of women who may be facing a difficult decision. For too long, Republicans have cynically used the intensely personal issue of abortion to divide us to win votes. Democrats are moving beyond the divisive elements of this debate toward the common good and bringing the country together around ideas we can all support. I commend the Democratic Members of the House for their leadership in bringing us together and moving America forward."

Casinos Booming after Katrina -- Record Breaking

Thanks to our Governor and MS legislators who allowed casinos to move inland, the casino thieves are having record breaking year. I guess with all the Katrina relief funds rolling in. I am ashamed of our state government calling a special session in order to help the gambling industry. Especially since Barbour promised us no casino expansions. Am I the only one left who thinks this is wrong?


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Welcome to Mississippi Prayer Warriors

My name is Kevin Nieminen, founder and webmaster of MississippiPrayerWarriors.Org. We are a mainstream Christian organization, dedicated to mobilizing members of the Christian faith throughout the state to pray for our leaders, our institutions of government, and our candidates for future office.

It is our intent to continually and consistently carry the issues that face our great state before the throne of the Almighty, seeking His wisdom and guidance for those who lead the way.The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:7: "seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you... Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." I believe that our leaders must be armed with the consolidated prayers of the faithful community in order to effectively approach the difficult decisions that must be made in our contemporary society.

With that said, I hope you will join me and other Mississippians as we seek to pray for a better Mississippi.With kindest regards for your service to Almighty God and the great state of Mississippi, I am

Sincerely yours,

Kevin Nieminen
Founder and Webmaster