Friday, July 27, 2007

Neshoba county fair - My Visit

Yesterday, Thursday, July 26Th, I spent the better part of the morning listening to candidates give their speeches in the normal traditions of the Neshoba county fair. While I didn't get a chance to hear everyone, I did hear Mike Lott claim his Christian faith. Also, Delbert Hoseman freely proclaimed his.

However, the winner in my opinion was John Arthur Eaves. Every sentence was laced with Biblical principles and/or scriptural references. (I almost "Amened" him a few times.) His message was so outstanding that a group of Barbour supporters tried--very rudely--to disrupt his speech. I briefly spoke with Eaves after his speech, and we had a great conversation about the Lord. He truly is a wonderful Christian man with a burning desire to help Mississippians.

In Barbour’s speech, he spent the first part attacking Eaves' wife, Angel. Angel Eaves is smart, attractive, and nice. I guess the Governor's covetness nature was coming out. Asked to respond later, Angel Eaves told The Associated Press, "I can't and still be a lady." I thought that was a classy response to a classless remark. Barbour really came off as a "big jerk". Just like the "big Bully in 5th grade" that never grew up. Lastly, he talked about the only two things he always talks about: how great he is for the Katrina relief effort and how great he is for the Toyota plant that is supposed to come in 2010 or something.

Being a Christian and a father of four, you can't make me happy about legalized gambling getting a stronger foothold in Mississippi. I don't care about the economical benefits (which are debatable); I know God is not going to bless a state that promotes sin.

I'm glad I went today. As a Christian, I thought I was doing the right thing by voting for Barbour in the last election. Now that I am informed of his true nature, he is not getting my vote.

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