Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dean: Democrats Move Debate Forward on Shared Values

Here is a press release from the Democratic National Committee. I'm all for saving more babies.

Washington, DC - This week, Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to include the "Reducing the Need for Abortions Initiative" in the Fiscal Year 2008 Labor, Health and Human Services, and EducationAppropriations bill. Among the programs included in the $647 millionpackage are initiatives to promote appropriate contraceptive information and services, to increase access to health care for pregnant women and young children, to support child care assistance and domestic violence programs, and to provide funding for after-school programs.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the following statement:

"Yesterday, Democrats in Congress took concrete steps to support women and families and unite the country around our shared values of reducing the number of abortions. The programs supported with this initiative are directly relevant to the needs of women who may be facing a difficult decision. For too long, Republicans have cynically used the intensely personal issue of abortion to divide us to win votes. Democrats are moving beyond the divisive elements of this debate toward the common good and bringing the country together around ideas we can all support. I commend the Democratic Members of the House for their leadership in bringing us together and moving America forward."

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